2024 MVISD State of the District 2024 MVISD State of the District Show Transcript hi I'm Scott Kayla superintendent near Medina Valley ISD I'm here to present to you the state of the district basically went out what I want to do is provide you some information about our school district and then also talk to you a little bit about some of our priorities some of the things that we are focusing on as we are going through this school year Medina Valley ISD is a fast-growing School District we are one of the fastest-growing in the state or district is also very large we recover almost 300 square miles which is very big for school district in the state of Texas this graph shows you how much we are growing yearly percentage wise you can see over the last three years are percentage of growth has really increased 10 + 15% District enrollment we've compared the enrollment here at the end of last school year to where we are as of the 18th of March you can see we finish last school year with just under 8,000 and currently wear over 1,700 students Medina Valley is a high-performing height the cheating School District the state provides and accountability rating for school districts every year and you see over the past six years when they did provide ratings the school district received an a rating which is the highest rating that you can receive from the state student demographics compared school year 2021 1:40 school year 2020 to 23 and you can see how our demographics have changed over the years some notable economically disadvantaged students we have increased from about 48% to 56% are emergent bilinguals has increased from about 6 to 7% for students dyslexia also increased some of our programs and enrollment compared to the state you can see our bilingual program percentage of students that are bilingual is quite lower than the state average on the opposite in our Career & Technology number students participating in those programs is higher than the state average as well as students in our special education program this year the district has a district scorecard and Miss scorecard ft focuses on four priorities for things that we are really focusing on throughout the school year those priorities are every student grows every year recruit and retainment of Staff fostering an environment of parent and Community involvement and our finances and operations so in the scorecards and things that really that we're focusing on in these four where is include our Career and Technical education in Ann Arbor Car and these programs were trying to increase complete her status we want to expand program opportunities right based on our student meetings interest and then we are also providing information to all of our students on the different programs that are available through career days field trips and college fairs we've also implemented what world map this this is a assessment that monitor student growth throughout the school year we administer this test at the beginning middle and end of the school year to help determine whether or not our students I'm meeting their projected growth when it comes to academics we've also implemented a couple of programs that focus on our students safety and well-being has do programs or emergent tree and care to stroll part of our scorecard the focus is on a good communication with our parents and community so in order to achieve this we have implemented parentsquare which is allows it allows two-way communication between parents and School District employees a scorecard also wants to Foster good relationships with community members and so we have done this through the implementation establishment of different a meeting with different route to establish their communities Masters group that we meet with on a regular basis PTO and booster club advisories realtors in home builders and clergy financially financially our school district is in very good shape we have a balanced budget you have you here more and more these days were school districts are unable to produce a balanced budget like many of them are budget deficits we are very fortunate that we are not in that situation and do not project to be in that situation would have been in the next school year we also will receive a financial rating from the state each year in over the + 20 we have received the highest rating possible from the state when it comes to our financial system we are currently in the process of finishing up Bond 2019 and implementing Bond 2023 team will be completed with the construction and completion of silos Elementary and that is on schedule to be completed and ready to open this coming school year with Bond 2023 we have stopped the construction of High School Number 2 and that to that project to is on track to be completed and opened by the fall of 2026 for that school year Drive Truman's there's some driving permits and bond 2023 and so at Medina Valley Middle School we have constructed and completed a drive forearm parent pick-up and drop-off and so that is currently being used and has had a very positive impact on her traffic so we are also trying to improve traffic conditions at Potranco Elementary so we are currently constructing a road that we used for the chewing at pick-up and drop-off for our elementary kids at Potranco Elementary that is on track and should be completed and opened up for the start of the next school year don't want to talk a little bit about our students and we have quite a few here at Medina Valley ISD I will start by saying that we have so many achievements for multiple Reasons from our teachers in the classroom we have outstanding teachers in our classrooms administrators administrators support staff but this also is a result of our barab community and our parents we have tremendous community and parents support and involved and because of that we have so many student team at so let's go through some of these at the cheapest first of all we have are CTE skillsusa Automotive in construction students that are state-bound so you can see we have some fun there are students that are going to compete at the state level a very proud of these students and for all that they've done Orr Elementary UIL academic competition we just recently completed that and you can see that we had tremendous a participation from our students at the elementary campus has it was a great time we had a lot of great students that did some great things in the area of number sense spelling dictionary and many more events oh congratulations directions to all those students we have a high school student Matthew tschirhart that has been named a National Merit Scholarship finalist this is a tremendous accomplishments accomplishment and a tremendous honor and so very proud of Matthew and wish him the best of luck as he tries to compete and get one of those scholarships we recently had our third annual Special Olympics tremendous event thanks to our special ed department and all of our special ed teachers on the campus for for a putting this event on I know that we had a lot of kids that were excited about it and I have a lot of kids at that accomplish some great things that day and then some great great things are Texas Association of future Educators so we have a group of students that are part of this organization they have competed at the state level and had several of them of them that have qualified and are going to move on for the national competition and Washington DC this summer are fine arts programs recently had some competition and so on Alma both our choir and our band students received sweepstakes which means they received Superior ratings and then at Medina Valley our band received a sweepstakes as well so congratulations to all of those students and two are fine arts programs and are fine arts teachers the recently are some of our girls at Medina Valley High School competed at the state powerlifting contest we had five girls that competed congratulations to Leah who earned third place at the powerlifting of date meat and then we had two other athletes that placed in the top 13 as well actually I want to thank our school board I'm very excited to be working with this board we have a group that it is is committed to our students and dedicated to doing what is best for all students and I emphasize the Austin thank you to our school board their their time and commitment is greatly appreciate it without them we would not see the success that we have here in Medina Valley ISD thank you for joining us today and we appreciate all that you do all your support